
For me alternative education and the possibility and creativity that it brings is a passion. My goal is to help you think creatively, to think outside the box and then to simplify and sharpen your focus. I work with highly motivated and independent life-long learners plotting their own educational course. As a person you have a rich reservoir of experience you can draw on as well as the understanding and motivation to take control of your own life.


  • Choosing a field of study
  • Alternative education
  • Accelerated Learning
  • Choosing curriculum
  • Defining academic goals
  • Changing majors
  • Career choice relating to values and gifting
  • Homeschooling choices
  • Learning while traveling

With the exception of one of my degrees, my entire education has been independent study. The lessons this has taught me have extended far beyond the classroom and guide me in asking questions that help you gain clarity and perspective on your journey. I can also help you think through other alternatives that you may not have considered.


Photo by Sonja Guina.