Living Simply

Life is full of clutter of all sorts. The question is, what do you really need to be happy? Over the years, I've developed a deep desire for living simply. I want my life to be filled with joy and wonderful memories rather than be overcrowded by things. Living simply has led me to downsize. The more that I've downsized, the more I've come to realise that I really don't need as much as I thought I did.


  • Life balance

  • Career transitions and changes

  • Personal goals

  • Avoiding burnout

  • Tiny house transition

  • Discovering personal gifts/calling

  • Vision/Values/Purpose work

As a coach, simplifying is the under pinning of all the work I do. I work with people who want to simplify their lives so that they can focus on what is important. Be it physical simplifying, such as downsizing and decluttering, or something less tangible, like life balance, simplicity is key.

I believe that through simplifying, life not only becomes more focused, but it becomes richer, fuller, more meaningful. Relationships blossom. Life comes into perspective.

Often, people set out to simplify their lives, making drastic changes, only to fall short soon after. This isn't because of a lack of willpower, it is because they were not fully prepared for the transition in the first place. My goal as your coach, is to help you to prepare for and take the steps you want to take in your life, and then encourage you as you stay the course.


Photo by Faye Cornish.